Professional Midwifery - Mujeres Aliadas

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Professional Midwifery

Is a Health science that focuses attention on the sexual and reproductive health of women, which is recognized and certified by the regulating agency of each country.
“‘A midwife is a person who having attended a midwifery educational program which is duly recognised in the country in which it is located, has successfully completed the prescribed course of studies in midwifery and has acquired the requisite qualifications to be registered and/or legally licensed to practise midwifery.”

Definition of professional midwife adopted in Mexico, accepted internationally. Ratified by: International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), World Health Organization (WHO).

Their work is based on physiological knowledge and their trustworthy wisdom about the mother’s and baby’s body. It acknowledges labor and birth as natural events that are both intimate and unique. At the same time, this evidence based model of care, avoids routine interventions and evaluates every situation, to ensure that every women's biological, psycological, emotional and social needs are matched.
In Mujeres Aliadas a Professional Midwive provides:

• Orientation, attention, care and support to woman during all the stages of her life.
Counseling before conception and preparation for maternity and paternity.
Prenatal and pregnancy care
Care during labor, delivery and birth.
Care during the postpartum and care of the healthy newborn.
Identification and timely reference of complications
Promotion of health and care: menstruation, menopause, sexuality, among others.
Timely detection of vaginal or urinary infections, sexually transmitted diseases, cervical cancer and breast disorders.
Counseling in family planning and contraceptive methods.
Promotion of sexual and reproductive rights and prevention of gender violence.
Professional Midwifery
Mujeres Aliadas AC Erongarícuaro, Michoacán, México.
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